Parent/Teacher Conferences Spring 2025
Horton High School will be hosting Parent/Teacher Conferences on February 12 and 13. Once again, these will be “student-led” conferences. Each student will present to their parent(s) and SEL mentor teacher. Items included in the electronic portfolio will be:
Current Grades
Course Completion/Plan for future years courses (from Course Catalog)
Career Interest
Community Service
Work Experience
CTE Pathways
College Credits
Students will add to these portfolios each year until they graduate.
Your child’s mentor teacher will be reaching out to you to schedule a time for you to meet with them and your student. The student-led conference will be 15 minutes in length. You will have time to meet with your student’s other teachers as well during the Parent/Teacher Conference. The first 15 minutes of each half hour will be devoted to student-led conferences, the second 15 minutes will be free to visit with any teacher. If a teacher doesn’t have a student-led conference during the first 15 minutes of the half-hour, you will be free to visit with them.
Please make plans to attend and allow your child to present to you their electronic portfolio.
Larry Mills
Horton High School Principal