Marla Hayden Horton HS LIbrarian -
- We are trying to make big changes to the High School library. All the teachers have received a special pass to let students hang out in the library for that hour if they are doing well in class. We are going to add a few comfortable chairs along with a coffee table for the students to enjoy reading a book or magazine. We will be adding some charging stations if a student needs to charge their phone or chrome book. We already have a couple of couches and several bean bags for the students to enjoy. The circulation desk is going to be moved to the side of the room so we can install a couple of booths for the students to enjoy a drink and a snack. Coffee, cappuccino, hot chocolate, cold drinks, and snacks will be for sale in the library. At the back tables we will have decks of cards, coloring pages, chess, and checkers for the students to play. The students also have access to a Library Google Classroom which will be highlighting a variety of books and genres the students might enjoy reading.
= I had a visit with Lester Randall about seeing if the Kickapoo Tribe would be willing to donate a few Native American books to the High School. He was more than happy too. I gave him a page of books we would like and he ordered all of them along with extra. A few of the authors that were donated were Louisa Erdrich, Tommy Orange, and Stephen Graham Jones. I am very thankful for their donation. Thank you Chairman Randall for your generosity!