100 books read for Jonalyn! Keep up that reading! 💗📖
about 19 hours ago, Ashley Doramus
What better way to read than with a buddy? Mrs. Holzey's 4th graders and Mrs. Thorson's 1st graders came together today to share a few books! 📚
1 day ago, Kayla Thorson
Horton Elementary welcomes you to a Family Math Game Night on Thursday, March 13th from 5:00-6:30. Hope to see you there!
1 day ago, Jessica Paden
HES Spring Family Night
Horton Elementary School Backpack Buddy Participants: Second Harvest is looking for some feedback on the Backpack Buddy meal program. Below is a QR code to complete a survey about your student/family's overall experience with the Backpack Buddy meal program. This should only take a few minutes of your time. A printed copy will be sent home next week.
1 day ago, Michelle Strube
6 Days left to RSVP for the Golden Gala!!! March 13 Deadline. Grand Parents, come join us for a great meal and dance. RSVP by calling EMS 548-7536 or email hutflesc@usd430.org
1 day ago, Charlie Hutfles
2025 Golden Gala
If you're looking for new charger gear you're in luck! Below is the store link for baseball/softball gear for this spring! https://stores.inksoft.com/WS116454
3 days ago, Reid Greaser
The EMS Scholars Bowl teams travel to Troy today for matches starting at 4:00. Good Luck Chargers!
3 days ago, Charlie Hutfles
6th Grade students with perfect attendance for February were rewarded with some outside time last week.
4 days ago, Cathy Gordon
February perfect attendance
6th-grade students practiced persuasive writing using WeWillWrite
4 days ago, Cathy Gordon
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
6th Grade
The EMS Track parent meeting for tonight has been rescheduled for Monday March 10 at 5:30 in the library
4 days ago, Charlie Hutfles
This week is Read Across America! As we celebrate with spirit days across the district, food service also joined in on the fun! Cat in the Hat Cheesesticks, Green Eggs and Ham, and 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Cupcakes have been enjoyed this week!
4 days ago, Robyn Allen
Green Eggs & Ham
Thing 1 & Thing 2 @ HHS
1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Cupcakes!
Cat in the Hat Cheesesticks
HES's book fair is 3-10 - 3-14. Below is a link to an E-Wallet set up under me as your principal. Any donations can be used to purchase books for classrooms. Please come shop our fair for or donate via the E-Wallet to help support us! https://tinyurl.com/HESWallet
4 days ago, Dawn Chase
book fair
250 books read for these two girls! Great job Sawyer and Cadance! 📖💕
4 days ago, Ashley Doramus
Due to inclement weather and road conditions, USD 430 will be closed today. No school!
4 days ago, Rebecca Kramer
snow day
Chargers end their season with a loss to Rossville. 51-64 Thanks for a great season, gentlemen! 💙🤍
5 days ago, Robyn Allen
Upcoming Preschool Screening!
5 days ago, Robyn Allen
preschool screening
Game Day, Chargers! Get out that blue and white and represent! Reminder, due to possible inclement weather the game has been moved up to 6 PM.
5 days ago, Robyn Allen
Charger Basketball - Substate
Due to possible inclement weather tomorrow evening, the Boys Basketball Substate contest with Rossville will be moved to 6 PM.
6 days ago, Rebecca Kramer
Congratulations to the HES Charger All- Stars and to the Staff Member of the Week! Back row: Zod Wakole, Andrew Schwed, Titus Banks, Betsy Cooper and Renna Wahwasuck. Front row: Trey May, Jackson Small, Lavina Schroeder, Olivia Gram, and Brixlee Knudson Mrs. White, HES Staff Member of Week.
6 days ago, Michelle
Reminder!! EMS students please invite your grandparents to the Golden Gala on Saturday, March 29. RSVP Mr. Hutfles hutflesc@usd430.org or call the school at 548-7536 by March 14
6 days ago, Charlie Hutfles
2025 Golden Gala