Senior Showcase -- Morgan Johnstone
#chargers2023 #seniorshowcase #hhs #foreveracharger #chargeon

During Community Service Day last week, a group of students took on the Prom decorations! They found several leftover prom glasses! Would you like a glass from your prom? Your child's prom?
Let Angela Bush know! busha@usd430.org

The next step in the search for the next USD 430 Superintendent is Monday, May 8th. You are invited to participate in the community focus group on Monday, May 8th at 2:00 PM or 3:00 PM. The meetings will be held in the Horton High School Library.
Questions - 785-486-2611

Demonstrations have begun in sixth grade. Students are sharing their talents in class. More pictures will follow today and tomorrow.

Last call for Senior Ads in the yearbook.
There is still time to have a senior ad placed in the yearbook. Please contact Ms. Bush at busha@usd430.org if you are interested.
1/8 of a page $30
1/4 of a page $50
1/2 of a page $ 75
Full page $150

EMS Track Results for Monday, May 1st.

EMS track will have NEK League track meet on Thursday at McLouth. The starting time has been moved up to 9:00 am due to possible weather in the afternoon.

The FFA chapter has been working hard over the weekend at State Career Development Events:
On Sunday Madison Stirton, Montanna Hutchinson, Clarissa Jamvold and Rilee Brown competed in Horse Judging
Beau Boller, Zach Boller, Clay Shirley and Trent Lockwood competed in Ag Mechanics
Vet Science Competed today with team members Carley Hammersmith, Clarissa Jamvold, Rilee Brown, and Piper Chartier.
Tomorrow Food Science will also compete with Taylor Dvorak, Madison Stirton, Carley Hammersmith, and Angelina Thomas
More pictures and results for all events will come in tomorrow afternoon! Good luck Charger FFA!

Senior Showcase -- Alex Handke
#chargers2023 #seniorshowcase #hhs #foreveracharger #chargeon

The class of 2026 is AMAZING! They worked together as a team on their community service projects. One of the projects was cleaning out the raised beds behind the elementary school. These are the before and after pics.

This week in USD 430...

HHS Baseball & Softball: Reminder that Baseball plays Jackson
Height in Netawaka & Softball plays D-West in Atchison. Both Games start @ 4:30pm.

On Saturday April 29th, 5 students from Horton High School traveled to Southeast of Saline High School in Gypsum, Kansas to participate in the 3A State Solo and Small Ensemble Festival. The students each performed for a judge who awarded them a rating based on a score on a rubric.
The instrumentalist’s ratings were, Courtney Cline received a 2 rating for an excellent performance on her Clarinet solo. Victoria Jelks received a 1 rating for an outstanding performance on her Horn solo. Taylor Dvorak received a 1 rating for an outstanding performance on her Clarinet solo.
The vocalist’s ratings were, Ethan Smith received a 2 rating for an excellent performance on his Tenor Vocal Solo. Shelly McLaughlin received a 1 rating for an outstanding performance on her Soprano Vocal Solo.
All 5 of the students scored incredibly high and represented the excellence our school produces in the performing arts! Ms. McManus and Mr. Vittetoe both came away from the day extremely proud of the students and what they have accomplished through hard work and dedication to their craft! Also a special shout out to our wonderful pianist, Mrs. Beth Thurn, for her work and dedication to our students! Her talent and support is unmatched in our profession and we are eternally grateful for her!

Today is School Principal Day!
School leaders don't set out to be a leader... they set out to make a difference. It's never about the role - always about the goal.

This super star student read 250 books! 📚

Ages and Stages Questionnaire and DIAL results from Kindergarten Round-Up will be mailed out soon!

Senior Showcase -- Leah Prohaska
#chargers2023 #seniorshowcase #hhs #foreveracharger #chargeon

Unfortunately, the weather isn't cooperating. PTO has made the decision to cancel the carnival this year.

Rain wouldn't let us work outside, so students helped made improvements to their school.

Congrats to Torben Thomas for reading 150 books! Keep it up!