Everest Middle School has announced its 3rd Quarter Honor Roll! https://youtu.be/FIxN54SVzKU
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
EMS Honor Roll
This cool 😎 Kindergartener has read 100 books!!! Way to go !!!
almost 2 years ago, Michelle Strube
There will be no K-6 Charger After School Program at Horton Elementary on Tuesday, March 21st or Thursday, March 23rd.
almost 2 years ago, Jessica Paden
Hello! We have kicked off our Kids Heart Challenge! Students are learning the importance of heart health. We will be collecting donations for the American Heart Association through April 7th! Students can sign up with this link http://www2.heart.org/goto/HortonElementaryHortonKS
almost 2 years ago, Zach Nelson
Kids Heart Challenge
It is about that time again that we need to be selecting members for the advanced choir for the 23-24 school year! Auditions will take place from 3:45 to 4:45pm on April 3rd-6th in the high school music room or by appointment! All needed materials can be picked up from Ms. M!
almost 2 years ago, Victoria McManus-Crane
Details for Advanced Choir Auditions
Just a reminder that you still have time to buy a raffle ticket for the Charger Grill. Enjoy those summer evenings of grilling. Tickets are $100. See Mr. Cline, Mrs. Hayden, or Connie Warner with the Alumni. Drawing will be in May!
almost 2 years ago, Marla Hayden
Applications for Driver's Education are available in the EMS and HHS offices. There will be a parent meeting this Wednesday, March 22nd at 6 PM at HHS. Applications can also be accessed on the HHS and EMS main pages. Payment is required when submitting the application.
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
Driver's Ed
4th Quarter has begun -- so we are looking for BEST OF THE BEST nominations! Do you know of an outstanding teacher or student that deserves recognition? Let us know by filling out the "Best of the Best" form located in the upper right-hand corner of the website - www.usd430.org
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
Q3 Best of the Best
We have a lot of talent in USD 430. Congratulations to all of the participants of the Talent Show!
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
Staff Winners
Student Winners
Talent Show Winners
Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful Spring Break! Check out what is happening this week in USD 430!
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
March 20-25
Upcoming Scholarship Workshop!
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
Today is the day for the mattress fundraiser for the sophomores and juniors. Please come out and support the classes by purchasing a new bed frame, mattresses, pillows, and sheets. We are in the High School Commons from 10-5. The mattresses will be on display.
almost 2 years ago, Angela Bush
HHS Baseball/Softball: Due to the weather today, there will be no Baseball or Softball Practice today 3-16-23.
almost 2 years ago, Nick Dowell
Congratulations Victoria Jelks! She won state champion at the Kansas Poetry Out Loud competition on Saturday, March 11. She travels to Washington, D.C. in May to compete at nationals.
almost 2 years ago, Julie Geiger
Victoria Jelks wins state Poetry Out Loud!
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
Horton Harmony has had a BUSY week! They started on Monday with the NEK League Music Festival at Oskaloosa where they were able to perform and work with judges in preparation for our upcoming festivals. They then worked their tails off with this new advice for 3 days of rehearsals. On Friday, they had the honor of performing in our community for a local group. Many students participated in the Talent Show that evening as well. We capped our week off this Saturday by being selected to perform The National Anthem at the 2A State Basketball Championship located at Kansas State University's Bramlage Coliseum! Their director, Ms. Victoria McManus, is incredibly proud of these students and the phenomenal work they have put into preparing for these performances. She loves and appreciates each and every one of these kids and is extremely excited to see how much further we will grow!
almost 2 years ago, Victoria McManus-Crane
two photos of Horton Harmony. Top photo is in their uniforms prior to their performance in the community. Bottom photo is a live shot of them singing the national anthem at the 2A State Boys Basketball Championship
It's Spring Break, Chargers! Have a great break -- stay safe and we will see you in a week!
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
Spring Break
Congratulations, Chargers!
almost 2 years ago, Robyn Allen
NEKL Honors 2023
Former USD 430 teacher, Wanda Stoltenberg, visited the 6th graders today. She shared videos, pictures, and artifacts from her recent trip to Morocco. The students enjoyed learning about Moroccan culture and trying some traditional foods--couscous and mint tea. Thank you, Wanda!
almost 2 years ago, Charla Becker
Learning about Morroco
Camel hair rug from Morocco
We had a large group of 5th and 6th grade students qualify for the HONOR party! Great job!
almost 2 years ago, Charla Becker