Homecoming is next week! Chargers will host the Minneapolis Lions on September 29th. First, we all need to get in the CHARGER Spirit! Today we start with the introduction of our 2023 Homecoming Candidates! Gannon Becker, son of Lisa & Steve Becker. Amaya Boller, daughter of Carmela & Jon Boller III. Maggie Heinen, daughter of Kristen Beyer & Kendra & Lucas Heinen. Ashtyn Keo, daughter of April & James Keo Jr. Chandler Newman, son of Dana Patterson. Kaden Smith, son of Ronda & Jason Smith.
It's a great day for some Charger Volleyball!
IT Professional's Day!
Tori Jelks was recognized at the BOE meeting. She attended Poetry Out Loud. After regionals and state, she represented Kansas at the national competition in Washington D.C.
Congratulations Tori for a job well done!
Picture with Tori, is Julie Geiger, ELA teacher @ HHS.
HHS Volleyball tonight!
This week in USD 430...
Next week is Homecoming in Charger Country. Be on the lookout for all the activity and spirit announcements.
The JV Football Game vs. Valley Falls has been cancelled for tonight. There will be no JV Game at Home tonight.
Thank you,
EMS Volleyball will play a Triangular in Everest today at 4:30 vs (Oskaloosa and McLouth) A Team only! Good luck lady Chargers
EMS Staff Shout-Out
Varsity Volleyball in a tournament this weekend! Go check it out!
Rainey Auen HES Principal
Sept. 15, 2023
Dear Charger Community,
I am pleased to inform you that the USD #430 Board of Education has approved the recommendation to hire Adam Maas as the new Horton Elementary Physical Education Teacher. He will officially start on September 18, 2023.
Mr. Maas was selected through an extended interview process. We are fortunate that he will be part of our educational community. Mr. Maas will be invaluable to our school, and by extension our community as we work together to support the academic, and healthy physical wellbeing of our students.
Mr. Maas will work alongside Mrs. Nicki Lockwood (who had stepped in to provide consistency and learning as a long term substitute) to transition into his new role and this pairing will support the change of leadership for our students providing a smooth transition from one teacher to another.
Welcome Adam Maas to the Charger Community!
Heading out to the game, tonight? Check this out!
This is what 500 lbs of ground and 170 lbs of pork butts look like!
USD 430 received the KSDE Local Food For Schools Grant and has worked with Diamond C Foods to purchase meat for our students. This grant helps schools purchase fresh local meat from farmers and ranchers in the area!
There are still funds remaining from this grant that we are working with for additional purchases!
USD 430 had a strong showing at the Hiawatha Invitational with Thatcher Strube earning 4th in his division & Cooper Wischropp earning 17th in his. These runners had a PR at the meet: Jamvold, Boykin, C. Strube, Ruiz, Crismas, Guitterez, & Shirley (EMS). Way to run Chargers!
Sophomores Brooklyn Dvorak and Veida Liggett were invited to the Kansas State Fair's Forensics Showcase to perform their duet piece that placed 4th at Forensics Champs today. The event showcased the top high school performers across the state. Members of the HHS Forensics team accompanied them to show their support and to see state's top 6 piece performances from students from across the state.
It's time for...
EMS Staff Spotlight
EMS Volleyball travels to St Benedict's in Atchison today starting at 4:30. Order of games (B-C-A). EMS Cross Country will be in Hiawatha today at 4:00. There will be NO EMS football tonight. Good luck Chargers!
FFA Greenhands traveled to Silver Lake this year to meet other members and learn more about FFA this week.
Let's Go, Chargers!