Countdown to 2023-24!
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Countdown 23-24
Special Education Interlocal #615 is looking for paraprofessionals!
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Countdown to 2023-24!
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Countdown to 23-24
We are officially in August, and school is fast approaching. As much as the staff is looking forward to seeing everyone - we do want you to enjoy your remaining days of Summer Vacation. So as we started summer, we will end --- with a countdown.
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Countdown to 2023-24
A great part of attending conferences is meeting teachers around the state and learning new information! An even better part is seeing USD 430 alumni! Today, Mrs. Woods was able to reconnect with Madison Schmitt Densberger, HHS Class of 2018.
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
HHS Alumni
Youth Boys Basketball: The last day for Youth Boys Basketball this summer will be moved to Wednesday, August 2nd. The 3rd & 4th Grade Boys @ 1pm, 5th & 6th Grade Boys @ 2pm.
over 1 year ago, Nick Dowell
EMS 7th/8th Grade Parents -- The school will not have student planners this year. If you want your child to have a planner you will need to purchase one. It is not a necessity and was not on the supply list.
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Student Planner - EMS
It has been a busy week for USD 430! Dr. Kramer and Melanie met with KSDE legend, Dale Dennis, for the yearly budget meeting! Parents and families started enrollment. Can you believe school will be in session in a few weeks?!?
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
budget meeting
Open to everyone! To kick off our JOM fundraising for the year, food and the bounce house are available with free will donation. *To receive school supplies/backpack, student must have CDIB card on file or have it present at the event.*
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
JOM Back to School Shindig
Our enrollment goal is to have all forms completed by August 8th. The forms give our staff time to prepare for your child to be back in the buildings! Completed enrollment forms help our transportation director know how many students will need bussing, our office staff and nurses keep your child safe at school, & teachers be prepared with the correct amount of books, resources, and materials! Help our staff by getting your enrollment forms completed before August 8th!
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Online Enrollment
We are up to 248 enrollments! Way to go Chargers! Our next Walk-In Tech Assistance will be on August 4th. In the meantime, feel free to call EMS (785-548-7536), HHS (785-486-2151), or the BOE (785-486-2611) for over-the-phone assistance.
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Online Enrollment
Senior Parents Meeting in the Commons at the High School at 6:00 pm on Monday, August 14 to plan for the year. It is important that parents of students who are Seniors this year attend. Please mark your calendars. #ChargeOn
over 1 year ago, Larry MIlls
EMS Parents: The school supply list includes a trapper with a zipper pocket for their student Chromebook. After some investigation, most trappers will not fit the new Chromebooks & case. Your child will still need a trapper for the school year. Sorry for any confusion!
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Youth Boys Basketball: There will be no Youth Boys Basketball tomorrow at the High School, we are not able to get on the floor yet. Last day will be Next Thursday August 3rd.
over 1 year ago, Nick Dowell
Charger PTO will be holding the first PTO meeting of the 2023-24 school year at Scoops and Smiles in Horton. All parents and staff are invited to attend. We hope to see you there.
over 1 year ago, Cathy Gordon
First PTO Meeting of the 2023-24 school year.
Another Walk-In Technical Assistance opportunity!
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Tech. Assistance
We have 180 student enrollments completely finished! There are 13 forms to complete, and an additional one for preschool students. Enrollment is not complete until ALL forms have been completed. This includes a form for bus riders, if your child doesn't ride the bus there is a box to check for that too. Still need help -- we will be back in the Horton Blue Building tomorrow night, 4 - 7 PM
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Online Enrollment
Walk-in Technical Assistance for USD 430 Online Enrollment is Today!
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Tech Assistance
Enrollment is officially open! If you didn't receive an email containing your child's PowerSchool IDs/Passwords, please call EMS (785-548-7536), HHS (785-486-2151), or the BOE (785-486-2611). Staff will share the information needed. You could also email for help. REMINDER -- This information is not the login credentials, but information used to Create your PowerSchool account. Still needing assistance? We are offering technical assistance, too!
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Online Enrollment
Online Enrollment opens on Monday, July 24th at 8 AM. Instructions can be found -- Be on the lookout for an email from South Brown County that contains the PowerSchool access code and password needed.
over 1 year ago, Robyn Allen
Online Enrollment Information