Senior Showcase -- Trenton Ottman
#chargers2023 #seniorshowcase #hhs #foreveracharger #chargeon
HHS Softball: The Softball Doubleheader vs. Troy has been moved to Monday, April 24th starting at 4:30 in Atchison, KS due to potential weather on Tuesday. The address to the field is, 825 North 17th St. Atchison, KS. It is the 4-Plex behind (West of) the Atchison Grade School & across the road South of the Belleview Golf Course.
On March 11, Victoria Jelks became state champion in the Poetry Out Loud contest at Washburn University. The competition was filmed by public television station channel 11, KTWU. It will be broadcast 3 times: Monday, April 24 at 8:00 p.m., and Sunday, April 30 at 1:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Congrats to the Horton High School Combined Charger Choir on their performance at the KSHSAA Large Ensemble Festival in Atchison on Thursday, April 20th. They received two II ratings and one I rating, giving a composite score of a II overall. They worked incredibly hard to get here and they did a great job! The group has been improving each year!
ABC Countdown in Kindergarten. "D" is for Dance Day!
Congratulations to Miss. Grissom for being selected as the HES Staff Member of the week! Miss. Grissom is such a great advocate for her students! Thanks for all you do!!!
ABC Countdown in Kindergarten. "D" is for Dance Day!
Senior Showcase -- Shiannah Horned Eagle
#chargers2023 #seniorshowcase #hhs #foreveracharger #chargeon
HHS Volleyball: There will be an informational Volleyball Meeting for Girls entering grades 9-12 in the Fall of 2023 on Wednesday, April 26th at 3:45pm in the HS Commons. This meeting is for those signed up to play Summer League & also for those interested in playing HS Volleyball in the Fall. Thank you,
HHS Volleyball: There will be an informational Volleyball Meeting for Girls entering grades 9-12 in the Fall of 2023 on Wednesday, April 26th at 3:45pm in the HS Commons. This meeting is for those signed up to play Summer League & also for those interested in playing HS Volleyball in the Fall. Thank you,
The HHS Pep Band and HHS Boys Basketball team were recognized at the Board of Education Meeting tonight.
It was an exciting basketball season -- the games were great and the atmosphere was stellar. We hope to see it continue!
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Charger Cheerleaders!
Congratulations to the 3rd Quarter Best of the Best.
Senior Showcase -- Kyndall Knutsen
#chargers2023 #seniorshowcase #hhs #foreveracharger #chargeon
FCCLA attended the State Leadership Conference this week. Julia Lehew received Top Gold in the State and qualified for Nationals. Courtney Cline received a gold and Carley Hammersmith received a silver medal. Desiree Madere received the top award in her LEO project and Alexis Becker and Tori Jelks received the second tier award in their project.
HHS Greenhouse will be open Monday, April 24 -- Wed., April 26 from 3:00 PM-6:00PM! Get your gardens and flower beds ready!
Congratulations to EMS 8th grade track team. Yesterday, the boys placed 1st and the girls placed 2nd at the Pleasant Ridge Invitational! Way to go Chargers
Please help us in celebrating our 2023 Retirees! Join us for a reception in their honor.
Track Results from 4/18/23.
EMS track practice will be at Everest tonight