Next we have Connie Hutfles! Connie will be joining Everest Middle school as the new 5-8 Technology Teacher. She has spent the last 20 years at Wetmore Academic Center.

Our next new staff member is Cathy Esquibel. Cathy joins USD 430 after working with Greenbush Service Center as a LINK Instructional Coach. She will be working with teachers in all building as an Academic Interventionist. Cathy earned her education through St Mary of the Plains, Emporia State University and Fort Hays State University.

Our next new face is Jacob Chalfant! Jacob is Horton High School's new 9-12 Ag Education Instructor. He received his Associate of Arts degree from Cloud County Community College and his Bachelor of Arts in Education from Kansas State University with a Minor in Animal Science.

USD 430 would like to thank First Option Bank for providing breakfast for the District Information Day In-Service. Congratulations to Mr. Lutz for winning the stadium chair! Go Chargers!

Our next new staff member is Linda Barnhill. Linda is our new 5th Grade ELA Teacher. Linda has an Associate of Arts from Highland Community College and received her Bachelor of Science in Education from Pittsburg State University.

This year we welcome a few new faces. Over the next several days, we would like to introduce them to you!
Our first new staff member is Alexis Allgood! Alexis will be joining HES as the new Speech-Language Pathologist. Alexis is a recent Master graduate of the University of Nebraska at Kearney and earned her BS in Education: Communication Disorders from the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

When completing online registration please make sure to complete both parts to the online enrollment process. If you have questions please contact your individual buildings. If you need support call 785-486-2611 and ask for Andrew Jones or email support@usd430.org.

EMS Back to School night is on Monday, August 16, from 6 to 7 pm. The letter sent out to the 5th grade students had the wrong time.

Thank you Brown County Sheriff Office for training USD 430 coaches and staff in CPR/First Aid! We appreciate all you do in keeping Brown County safe!

Job well done, Mr. Bowen! Your hard work has paid off!
This morning, USD 430 vehicles were inspected in preparation for the 2021-22 school year. 100%!! USD 430 has 11 buses, 9 vans, and 4 trucks -- for 24 motor vehicles in all.

Don’t forget enrollment 8am-1pm at the Horton High School Commons!

Coach Wikle is selling delicious watermelon at the 4 way stop in Horton. $10/Melon. All proceeds go towards Cross Country.

Enrollment is THIS WEEK!

August is just around the corner... time to head back to school! Be sure to save the dates for South Brown County Schools' Back to School Nights!

Please look at the updated middle school football and volleyball schedule on our website. St. Benedict has cancelled football due to low numbers.

Enrollment for 21-22 is now open for existing students, visit your Infinite Campus parent portal to start the enrollment process. A detailed video can be found on the enrollment tab on the website!

Brown County Special Education is looking for quality classroom paraprofessionals.

Emergency Broadband Benefit Program

TOPEKA — Kansas Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson and Deputy Commissioner Dr. Brad Neuenswander are conducting 50 community conversations throughout the state on their Kansans Can Success Tour, which kicks off July 26.
The Kansans Can Success Tour is a follow-up to the Kansas Children. Kansas’ Future. community conversations tour that took place beginning in late winter and early spring of 2015. The purpose of the Kansas Children. Kansas’ Future. tour was to bring together parents, educators, local school board members, higher education representatives, legislators and members of the business community to discuss the future they wanted for Kansas children and the role they wanted Kansas education to play in supporting that envisioned future.
The vision for education in Kansas – Kansas leads the world in the success of each student – was created from what Kansans said during the Kansas Children. Kansas’ Future. tour. The Kansas State Board of Education’s outcomes for measuring progress toward achieving that vision were also derived from information gathered during the tour. Outcomes include social-emotional growth, kindergarten readiness, Individual Plan of Study, graduation, postsecondary success and civic engagement.
The 2021 tour kicks off with a community meeting from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Monday, July 26, at Lakewood Middle School, 1135 Lakewood Circle, in Salina. The second meeting will take place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. that evening at Commons Area, 1711 N. Walnut in Beloit. Tours wrap up at Shawnee Heights Unified School District 450 on Thursday, Sept. 9. A complete itinerary is attached.
Everyone, including educators, parents, legislators, members of the business community and members of the media, are invited to attend these events.
Watson and Neuenswander will share success stories, as well as challenges, discuss the Kansans Can School Redesign Project, answer questions and gather information during the tours.
For more information, including a logo, map and itinerary, visit https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Fiscal-and-Administrative-Services/Communications-and-Recognition-Programs/Vision-Kansans-Can/Success-Tour.

USD 430 would like to introduce our newest bus driver, Brandi Tawzer!
Congratulations and welcome to the Charger Family.