Charger Cheer & Charming Chargers are gearing up for the 2021-22 school year! Both squads performed during the Brown County Fair Parade. At Everest Fun Day, Charger Cheer had a face painting booth and Charming Chargers performed! If you missed seeing either squad, be sure to make plans to attend home football games @ Charger Field!
over 3 years ago, Robyn Allen
Everest Fun Day - Face Painting
Parade Ready!
2021-22 Charming Chargers
Charger Cheer 2021-22
Mission lake 5k fun run July 10, rain or shine. Starts at 7:00am at the Horton Elementary East parking lot. Please show up early to register. $10 entry, all monies go to Horton Cross Country.
over 3 years ago, Andrew Jones
5K fun run at Mission Lake
Sunflower Summer provides a wide variety of ways for families to get out, explore something new, and enjoy time together. Kansas families can visit museums, zoos, historic landmarks and more for free!
over 3 years ago, Lindsay Matthias
Sunflower Summer
Sunflower Summer Attractions
Would you like to have your 3 to 5 year old’s developmental skills checked in the areas of Personal / Social, Adaptive, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Cognitive, Hearing, & Speech & Language, please call (785)742-7108. Ask for Lynne to schedule an appointment.
over 3 years ago, Robyn Allen
preschool screening
2nd graders enjoyed two field trips this Spring. The first was to the one-room school in Hiawatha. Students dressed the part and enjoyed a day of what life used to be like. They also took an end-of-the-year trip to the Topeka zoo! Both look so fun!!
over 3 years ago, USD 430
Several staff members are hard at work today - learning about Reading Interventions!
over 3 years ago, USD 430
Check out the breakfast and lunch menus for June 14th-June 17th
over 3 years ago, Lindsay Matthias
Menus for 6/14-6/17
Senior Showcase -- Kaylin Royer #Chargers2021
almost 4 years ago, USD 430
Kaylin Royer
almost 4 years ago, USD 430
HES Family Night
Senior Showcase - Tavo Cavin #Chargers2021
almost 4 years ago, USD 430
Tavo Cavin