Charger Cheer & Charming Chargers are gearing up for the 2021-22 school year! Both squads performed during the Brown County Fair Parade. At Everest Fun Day, Charger Cheer had a face painting booth and Charming Chargers performed! If you missed seeing either squad, be sure to make plans to attend home football games @ Charger Field!

Mission lake 5k fun run July 10, rain or shine. Starts at 7:00am at the Horton Elementary East parking lot. Please show up early to register. $10 entry, all monies go to Horton Cross Country.

Sunflower Summer provides a wide variety of ways for families to get out, explore something new, and enjoy time together. Kansas families can visit museums, zoos, historic landmarks and more for free!

Would you like to have your 3 to 5 year old’s developmental skills checked in the areas of Personal / Social, Adaptive, Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Cognitive, Hearing, & Speech & Language, please call (785)742-7108. Ask for Lynne to schedule an appointment.

2nd graders enjoyed two field trips this Spring. The first was to the one-room school in Hiawatha. Students dressed the part and enjoyed a day of what life used to be like.
They also took an end-of-the-year trip to the Topeka zoo!
Both look so fun!!

Several staff members are hard at work today - learning about Reading Interventions!

Check out the breakfast and lunch menus for June 14th-June 17th

Senior Showcase -- Kaylin Royer


Senior Showcase - Tavo Cavin